Broward County Paratransit Consumer Blog

Broward County, Florida (USA) Paratransit consumer-run discussion about transportation services.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


This message being sent to:
AAA, Paratransit Director, and also the BLOG site:
After many years of being told that the rules for drivers are explicit;  I am curious as to why I had to listen to Creole talk radio tonight on my way home from my last pick up?
I thought that after explaining to the driver that I couldn't understand Creole;  I would help him out a little more.  I reached over and changed the dial to English.
He knew enough of what he wanted and to change it back to Creole regardless of being flagrantly in violation of the radio rule.
This whole exchange is avoidable if management is interested in promulgating the rules.  I guess they aren't.
I am therefor interested in either of two scenarios.  If management thinks that their own rules are not good.  They should go back to the County and ask them to change the rules.
I of course am not in favor of that.  I like the rules.  I just don't like it when no one pays attention to the rules.
Therefor since I have complained for anumber of years;  I think it is ready for step number 2.
Like I said I am not in favor of doing anything different than implementing the rules.  However since no one cares;  it is time to dismantle all radios.
It is a shame I think to do this.  But I don't see any other solution.
When I complain no one ever gets back to me.  Seeing the radios taken out of the vans will show me that someone is listening to me and not just to Creole talk radio.
If I don't hear back from anyone, I will forward this to our elected County Commissioners too.


To Whom It May Concern,

Members of the Para Transit Service should know the way to work the system even if some of the operators or reservationists don't help in the way you would

like them to.  I just called in a reservation for Wednesday February 8.  I used to wait until a day ahead.  Now they tell me at AAA Car Service to call

more in advance to get the rides that I used to get all the time.  Now the rides are not given when you would like to have them.  Rather their computer

tells you when you should take the rides.

I believe this is somewhat patronizing.  Therefor a way to resist the computer patronization is to tweak the system.

My reservationist told me that I would have to call back at least 6 hours later to get different times from the computer.

She was wrong.  I spoke to a different reservationist immediately.  He gave me computer generated pick up times that were different right away.

I wanted to be at 6100 Griffin Road at 10:30 AM.  At first I was told to be ready for pick up at 8:30 AM.  I thought this was too early.  When I called

back the other reservationist gave me a 9:04 AM pick up.  This is much better for me.

Likewise I had 3 other pick ups for Wednesday February 8 that I had to make.  So I redid these other pick ups too.

Today is February 6, 2006.  It shouldn't be so hard to make a reservation.  We need better cooperation from the reservationists in order to tweak the all

knowing computer system.


Subject: advocating


I went to a County wide meeting about 2 weeks ago.  This was involving one of the County wide meetings that are held monthly for the Para Transit Service.

For instance it is for the van service I use when commuting to Kids In Distress.  The reason I went was because of infractions regarding the service.

Just last week the driver refused to change the radio station.  He wanted to listen to Creole.  I didn't want that.

Thanks to the advocating I have been doing it is possible for me to follow up with the company and get the drivers to see the light.  There are rules already

about such things as well as other problems with the drivers.

However my HMO also contracted with one of these companies for transport to Doctor offices.

Unfortunately when I went to the meeting there was a feeling by the company I was using that they didn't have to listen to these rules.

My HMO uses Handivan.  The Supervisor of Handivan told me that the service for the Doctor offices is a private contract.

In fact the Handivan tried to follow up by kicking me out of their service.  My HMO however, took another route.  Instead of kicking me out;  it was Handivan

who was kicked out.

Another transport service is being used now by my HMO.  In fact my Doctor thanked me.  He said he was trying to get rid of Handivan because they are disrespectful

to his patients.






----- Original Message -----




Wisniewski, Edward

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 10:12 AM

Subject: Re: the paper


Thank you Ed.

I am really writing a book.  At the end of the book I mentioned about AAA.  I said how I would illustrate the service with the last ride I took.

I was writing that on October 12.  That was just two days after October 10, when the driver came and walked right by me.

I was sitting on the bench between the customer service desk and the doorway where he entered.

It will be in my book how his way of doing things ended up having to send another driver back an hour and a half later.

Thanks for helping to get them to send someone else.

It shouldn't have to be this hard to obtain a ride.  Especially after some 20 years of using the Para Transit in Broward.  I think it originally was called

Social Service Transport.

Can you call them and remind them to do a better job at the Supermarket?

I also put in the book that crazy lady who told everyone that she was from the FBI.

I don't know though if I will reach a publisher eventually or not.  Nor do I know what he will say to cut and what to add.


Block quote start

----- Original Message -----


Wisniewski, Edward



Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 10:07 AM

Subject: the paper


Nice article in today's sun sentinel, my friend.


Block quote end




Monday December 12, 2005


AAA car service arrived over an hour late.  I couldn't go because Allergist closed for lunch.


I ended up going on the bus later on.


I wrote to the Para Transit Division about it the following day.


I just called up AAA and found out that they are still having growing pains.  They are 2 and 3 hours late today.


I am trying to seek alternate means for now.


I tried using the Bus Service yesterday when AAA had me calling and waiting for nothing.  My experience included:  how I sit down next to a lady who decides


to give me a first hand account of her intimate anatomical worries.  All I had to do was to listen and gape.


She didn't let me talk.


She claimed to know me?


I tried getting off the bus at the right place.  No easy task when the bus driver won't talk.  I asked him 3 times.


Finally a nice Black lady de busing behind me, spoke and actually walked me to the second bus stop.  She expressed regret over the way the driver behaved;


 not speaking.  This is not a very good way of communicating to a blind person.


It was a 2 way bus trip.  I am lucky this stranger was there to walk with me.  I am also lucky the lady with the pains in her anatomical parts was not getting


off either.


I reported the driver to Bus Headquarters.  It is unfortunate when your strongest link in a chain becomes your weakest.  The drivers should be more courteous.


 The other bus drivers were.


I probably should have reported the anatomical lady to Hollywood.  She belongs on stage.


Never the less, it is dangerous when crossing.  I arrived at my Allergist later on that day.  I was amazed to find out that I had crossed a major thorough


fare and didn't even know it.


I bet I could be a useful asset to you or Jerry at AAA if I was working in some capacity to help out.  Lord knows, assistance is needed.  Then again the


beginning of the USA was also turbulent.







Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire



December 27, 2005 Experience,

I believe that compensating for a disability should not include arguing with those who are supposed to be helping the disabled.

The Para Transit in Broward County Florida is undergoing growing pangs.  The new computer system doesn't always give the right times for pick ups to both

passengers and drivers.  Therefor I decided to try and get to the Public's Supermarket on my own located at the Coral Ridge Mall by Federal Highway and

Oakland Park Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale in order to avoid using the Para Transit if I could.

One rule is that if an individual can use the Public fixed route Bus;  then they are ineligible for Para Transit service.

Is this a good policy?

I don't think so.  Even if you can get on a bus;  then there are countless dangers that can be encountered along the way.  Para Transit should be tweaked

better so that the disabled can use it without unnecessary complications.  The fixed Bus should be available as back up transport;  rider beware.

I boarded the number 72 Bus at NE 34 St and A1A going to Federal Highway and Oakland Park Boulevard.

I de bused right before Federal Highway.  Crossing the first street before Federal and after de busing proved challenging.  The cars didn't allow me to

cross.  They were edging up to Oakland Park Boulevard from the North and going South.

I had to keep walking South until I was in the lane on Oakland Park Boulevard.

A driver put me back on the sidewalk.  I thanked him for getting out of his car and doing that.

Then I came to a construction hole in the sidewalk.  Lucky for me a driver yelled out to me to avoid it.

Then at Federal Highway I made a right turn.  Unfortunately I ended up in a parking lot by Wachovia Bank.  A trucker took me in his truck out of the parking

lot and into the next parking lot for Public's.

At Public's I asked for an assistant to help me shop.  I didn't realize who was coming to help me.  Apparently a passerby shopper offered to assist me.

 It was nice of her to do so.  More people should help each other.

However Public's never told me that I had a shopper helping me.  I think they should have told me that.

The nice lady should be congratulated for helping.  However it was equally challenging for me because she had a stroke recently.  Therefor I couldn't understand

most of what she was trying to say when she spoke.

Later my AAA car service van showed up.

I told them to write down that I would be on the bench in the store between the door and the service desk.  I always wait there.  I have done so for many

years shopping at this venue.

The driver showed up and passed me by.  He went to the service desk to make an announcement.  Then he was heading out but was called back by all the people;

 both customers and personnel, yelling that I was indeed there.

Then the driver takes me to drop off someone.  Then he picks up someone else.  Then he drops them off too.

The driver is supposed to take home the person who was in the van first.

All this time I am asking him to either turn off the Creole news cast on his radio or turn the station to English.

He claims that I am discriminating against him.  So I call AAA on my Cell.  They call him.  He argues with them too.  This is a strange argument because

the rules say that the driver should be listening to passenger's requests.

The lady on the van who was picked up after me starts to complain about how her morning pick up was at a time she didn't ask for.

This is why I tried to avoid my morning pick up.

Something needs to be done here.

Sanford Rosenthal



Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire



    December 30, 2005 Para Transit Experience

----- Original Message -----




Para Transit Ed WISNIEWSKI


AAA Car J Suskey

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 12:02 PM

Subject: slow


Hello Ed and Jerry,

I know that some things are slow in coming.  However I have been using Para Transit service for years.  I thought that I understood that drivers were supposed

to identify themselves.

I walked downstairs today to find someone grabbing my arm and walking me to a van.  Wouldn't it be proper for the driver to say:

"My  name is _____ from AAA Car Service?"

Unfortunately his silence didn't help me because as you know I am totally blind.

I had to ask him several times just what his name was.

He finally did respond by saying "Noel" in a whispered tone.

Then he slid the door open but didn't say anything more.

I got in to only bunk up against a woman sitting there.

It seems to me that if I was a driver picking up a blind passenger, I would have identified myself, company, and that there was a lady sitting in the back


I don't understand.  Am I asking too much of your company?

I requested a 10 AM pick up today.  Unfortunately I was told that the new way of doing things was to ask the computer what time was best for the computer.

I ended up with a 9:30 AM pick up.  However I wanted to return right away.

Before the computer system was installed, I could get a return ride right away.

I was told that today my return ride would be at 11:33 AM.  The outcome of which was for me to seek alternate transport back home.

In my humble opinion there can be some fine tuning done to make everyone happier.


Sanford Rosenthal



Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire



Disability board posting

----- Original Message -----




AAA Car J Suskey


Para Transit Ed WISNIEWSKI

Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 3:29 PM

Subject: changes


Jerry and Ed,

I don't mind changes being made.  But surely I should know about them.  Don't you agree?

I just called up Stefanie;  she said that she didn't know anything about what I was talking about.  I told her that yesterday I asked for a ride.  I really

wanted it at 4PM.

I was told by Melinda that the computer said 3:15 PM is better.  So the pick up was made for 3:15 PM.  Now Stefanie tells me it is at 3:35 PM.

If somehow changes are being made;  the client should know.  Otherwise if a ride is changed to before or after the time told to the client, there is a possibility

of the client not being ready.

Can someone get back to me on this?

Lately I am being ignored.


Sanford Rosenthal



Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire



Disability Posting

----- Original Message -----




AAA Car J Suskey


Para Transit Ed WISNIEWSKI

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:06 PM

Subject: Decency


Hello Jerry and Ed,

It isn't fair when I call up and I am told that "I don't like you and your attitude.  I think you're rude."

All I did was to ask her who who she was.  I wouldn't have even asked her except that she wasn't identifying the company or talking.  I heard silence.

She really had an attitude whenever I tried talking.  It reminded me more as though I was calling her at home after she just awoke from slumber.  This

is just not proper for a Night Dispatcher.  I realize she holds the power in getting a ride home now and in the future by virtue of her position.  But

this doesn't give her the right to be disrespectful and then project this very behavior on others.

Before she hung up I had to explain the nature of my call several times.  After some bantering in which she said she didn't have to identify herself;  she

relented and finally said she was Night Dispatcher Laurie Roberts;  and promptly hung up.

I can bet that she was upset or mad about something else.  She sure took it out on me.

I was truly surprised.  I tried explaining to her that there would not be any argument if she just told me her name.

I just don't like people representing a company who have no empathy.  I wasn't looking for trouble.  I only wanted to call back because I was canceling

my ride.

Orifginally I wanted a pick up to return home from City Hall at 8:30 PM.

I was informed that the computer didn't like that time.  So I had to take a 9:03 PM ride home from the Community Services Advisory Board meeting.

However as I suspected, the meeting was over before 9 PM.  It was over more like 8 PM.

I  did call at about 8 PM to find out that no one could pick me up earlier.  Then another member of the Board offered to transport me home.  About 8:30

PM I called when I reached my apartment.  All of a sudden I heard this woman ranting on the phone.  She even hung up on me when I tried telling her that

there was no reason for her to be so patronizing and acting like a parental figure.  But I didn't get a chance to tell her this.

I believe the only recourse is to start advertising around the County for riders to e mail complaints to a Web site.

I think that if these employees of AAA know that there are repercussions for their rude behavior, they may still reform.

There is no call for this type of behavior.  I wasn't mad or rude when I called.  What was wrong with this lady?

Thank you,




Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire



Disability blog site.

----- Original Message -----




Para Transit Ed WISNIEWSKI


AAA Car J Suskey

Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:46 PM

Subject: Para TransitFw: computer


Hello Ed and Jerry,

I really don't think that the service for the disabled community is supposed to be so problem laden.

Today I was marked as a no show at 12:25 PM.  I am given to understand that no shows eventually contribute to riders being terminated.

The return ride at Public's 3400 N Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 arrived late.

This was despite my request for early pick up.  I was ready about 45 minutes early.  Instead I had to wait for a pick up that was a half hour past my 3:30

PM original time.

Then the driver showed up to take my money and announce that his engine was running hot today.  I then waited a hour for an emergency van to take me home.

All this while my ice cream became rather sloshy;  leaking.  The lamb chops, chickens, yougurts and everything all melted.

This needs to be posted on a bulletin board of e mails where everyone can see what is going on.

This is no complaint.  I am only seeking to make improvement in the Para Transit System.

We need to advise everyone on the Internet that a site exists for assessing the real service.

I have been trying to avoid the Para Transit.

I used to use it almost every day.

But I get into trouble when trying to use fixed route bus service.

January 18, 2006 I boarded a number 20 bus on Federal Highway going North.  It was the wrong bus.  I needed number 10.

So I had to walka  few blocks.

A lady came out of a Nails and Cosmetics Store to help me.

Going back someone crossed me on Federal Highway to head South to Oakland Park Boulevard.

However the number 72 bus driver passed me by at about 1:15 PM.  The next driver was nicer.

He stopped and asked me if I was going on the bus.

I was at the same spot both times.  It was the South West corner of Federal and Oakland Park Boulevard.  I wanted to head East.

It is not fair for someone to wait in the hot sun while bus drivers pass you by.


----- Original Message -----




Para Transit Ed WISNIEWSKI


AAA Car J Suskey

Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:52 PM

Subject: computer


Hi Ed and Jerry,

The computer is still making mistakes.  The driver showed up at 12:25 PM.  I was marked as a no show.

This was because there was another pick up scheduled at 1:25 PM to pick me up;  which was the one I was originally told about.

So I said I would wait for the 1:25 PM pick up here at my apartment.  They told me that another driver would show up for that ride.

I am not really sure if marking me as no show for the 12:25 PM really captures the fiasco correctly.  Maybe they need a new code.  Like computer client

termination.  I hope this computer doesn't take over the world like in the Terminator.

The return from Public's is 3:30 PM.  I hope they don't botch that up too?




Seth Eisenberg

(954) 252-9090


The Fatherhood Channel


Technology Solutions that Connect & Inspire


Making reservations,
I wonder if others find it to be a difficult task trying to use a system that is not so user friendly.  I recently was told to make my reservations a couple of weeks in advance to make sure that I could get the pick up times I needed.  Then yesterday I was told that reservations can only be made one to 4 days in advance.
I just called to get reservations for tomorrow.  I was told that I can't get a 1:30 PM pick up to be at my destination at 2:30 PM.  Rather they told me that I could get a reservation between 2 and 2:30 PM.  I declined their offer because I needed to be at my destination at 2:30 PM.  It is a short ride down Oakland Park Boulevard.
Returning at 4:30 PM is equally difficult for them.  They told me to be ready at 4:51 PM to 5:21 PM.  I had to decline this offer too.

Consumers Talking about Broward County Paratransit (TOPS)

On, it describes the Broward County Paratransit service as follows:

One of BCT's most valuable programs is our Paratransit (TOPS), also known as TOPS - Transportation Options, recipient of the Community Transportation Association of America's (CTAA) 2003 "President's Award".

I am and have been a consumer of this service for nearly two decades. Over the years, I have had many memorable experiences. Some good. Some bad.

What about you? What have your experiences been like recently? What do you think of the new computer system that was installed at the end of 2005?

This blog is meant to be a place for consumers to share information and experiences about the Broward County Paratransit service. For those of us who depend on TOPS, their service can make a very big difference for our daily lives. I hope this blog will help us all stay informed and work together for the benefit of everyone who depends on a TOPS that works best for each of us.