Broward County Paratransit Consumer Blog

Broward County, Florida (USA) Paratransit consumer-run discussion about transportation services.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


To Whom It May Concern,

Members of the Para Transit Service should know the way to work the system even if some of the operators or reservationists don't help in the way you would

like them to.  I just called in a reservation for Wednesday February 8.  I used to wait until a day ahead.  Now they tell me at AAA Car Service to call

more in advance to get the rides that I used to get all the time.  Now the rides are not given when you would like to have them.  Rather their computer

tells you when you should take the rides.

I believe this is somewhat patronizing.  Therefor a way to resist the computer patronization is to tweak the system.

My reservationist told me that I would have to call back at least 6 hours later to get different times from the computer.

She was wrong.  I spoke to a different reservationist immediately.  He gave me computer generated pick up times that were different right away.

I wanted to be at 6100 Griffin Road at 10:30 AM.  At first I was told to be ready for pick up at 8:30 AM.  I thought this was too early.  When I called

back the other reservationist gave me a 9:04 AM pick up.  This is much better for me.

Likewise I had 3 other pick ups for Wednesday February 8 that I had to make.  So I redid these other pick ups too.

Today is February 6, 2006.  It shouldn't be so hard to make a reservation.  We need better cooperation from the reservationists in order to tweak the all

knowing computer system.


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