Broward County Paratransit Consumer Blog

Broward County, Florida (USA) Paratransit consumer-run discussion about transportation services.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


On 2/14/09 my Tripple A ride that was scheduled for 10:16AM appeared at 11:30AM.  I am not sure why I was told that the driver was to arrive in a few minutes when I called up much earlier.  I had to cancel the trip  when the vehicle finally arrived because I missed the class I was supposed to attend.
Clearly there used to be an incentive for the provider to arrive on time when the car fare used to be waived for latenesses beyond the one hour window from the time that the rider was told to be ready at.  I am dumbfounded as to why this promptness incentive for the providers has changed.  The driver stated that I would have to pay the fare if I went, even though the reason for going was cancelled due to the provider's negligence.
What ever happenned to the voucher program that used to be in effect for riders that were forced to cancel rides when providers showed up so late that taking the ride was futile?  Is there some kind of no show marking system on the drawing board directed at delinquent providers?  If not, shouldn't there be?


Blogger Akua Lezli Hope said...

I empathize. I missed work and eventually lost that job due to similar vagaries of paratransit.
Now I am in an area without paratransit and I am out of the frying pan into the fire. I found out that the system that caused such distress had
just been assessed for the very problems I experienced. I hope your CIL and ADA compliance folks are following your reportage.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Has anyone contacted the following places:

Center for Independent Living (National)
888-446-4511 (voice)
Written complaints with Names, dates,times, outcomes to Those folks and your local County Commissioners

Have the disAbled community voted for a empathetic Commissioners as a voting block? We need at least 3 or 4 on our side plus the Feds.

Don't just stay local with your vocal ... what incomb Governor is with us? Bush was not, Christ was all talk and I never was able to make a single contact.

Get to know your State Officials


9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAA SUCKS!!!!!!! Thats why they lost the medicaid contract they've had since like 1985. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA They had over 90 vans, thats what happens when you chase the money and forget the people who made you.

10:15 PM  

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