Broward County Paratransit Consumer Blog

Broward County, Florida (USA) Paratransit consumer-run discussion about transportation services.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Tuesday April 3, 2007 my 8:56 PM Triple A paratransit ride arrived at 10:33 PM.  I called six times to alert them about my predicament.
I believe that the $2 passenger waiver should be changed to also include a $2 voucher for a free ride next time.  Doubling the penalty from what it is now would help remind the carrier to be more timely.  Perhaps it should be negotiated regarding imposing this penalty after about a half hour from the time that the passenger was told to start waiting for the ride.  Originally the $2 waiver was imposed after the passenger was waiting sixty minutes.  Lately the carrier has changed it to ninety minutes.  Clearly it needs to be turned back to how it used to be, or perhaps to a more punctual time as I have suggested.
Sanford Rosenthal